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Understand these before starting Python for your Data Science ML Journey

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Python is no doubt an amazing language. It was created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991.

Python is often referred to as a High-Level Programming Language, which leads us to our first question.

High-level programming language

To understand it we need to define abstraction first.


Abstraction is showing only essential features without showing any background details.

Example 1 → An ATM machine does not show you how it will bring money from its backside. That is Abstraction. Only showing what is essential to the user.

Example 2 → When you log in to Twitter or any other platform, it will not show you details of how your username and password are authenticated, and what variables the algorithm is using internally to check it from the database. That is Abstraction. Only showing what is essential to the user.


The language that uses multiple layers of abstraction is a High-Level Programming Language.

Python uses multiple layers of abstraction, as it is easy to read language. When you first write code in Python you will see that all the keywords you use in your code are directly from the English dictionary and those keywords are working as same as their word meaning. Python will not show you how it is processing the code, most of the internal code will be hidden from the user.

That's High-Level Language.

Python supports multiple programming paradigms

Programming Paradigm

You can say that it is the category of programming. Here are some

  • Imperative Programming

  • Interpreted Programming

  • Procedural Programming

  • Object-Oriented Programming

And many more....!

These categories have different features and based on those features different languages are classified.

Features → Why python is so loved by developers?

Well, there are so many features of Python let's explore them.

Easy-to-read and easy-to-write code

Python has an amazing way of using English vocabulary words to make it easy to read.

It is also easy to understand the workings of the code as the meaning of the word is exactly the workings of the code.

Standard Library and Community

Python has a broad standard library. Developers around the world build amazing modules and libraries that are just one command away from your computer.

If you end up with errors there is a huge amount of dev community to help you solve the problem.


What that means is, once you compile( Lower level representation of your code ) your code you can put it in any system and run it. It doesn't matter if the system has Python installed on it or not.


It means that Python can be extended in any other language as well like C, C++, Java, etc.

GUI Programming

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface, you can build GUI very easily using Python with Tkinter. It is used for Desktop Application Development.

Dynamic Data Types

Python supports dynamic data types, what it means is that you don't have to declare variables with their type. Just name the variables and give them a value.

Automatic Garbage Collection

Every program executes on RAM(Random Access Memory). Every time you run a script it will need space on RAM. To get RAM it requests to Operating System. The OS gives the program some space to run. When the execution is completed the program is to give the space back to the OS. This task is done by Garbage Collection. It will free the memory once the script is done running.

Who is using Python today?

Industrial Light and Magic

The company chose Python over Perl and Tcl. Using Python for building software components and improving their standard graphics applications.

Industrial Light & Magic use Python - Himanshu Ramchandani


The website application of Instagram is built on Django, a web application framework of Python.

Web version of Instagram is build with Python - Himanshu Ramchandani


The founders of Google made this decision “Python where we can, C++ where we must.” What is meant by that is, that C++ will be used where low latency is desired and Python will be used where maintenance and fast delivery are needed.


Netflix is built on Flask, a web application micro-framework of Python. It uses RESTful APIs to process alerts.

Netflix use Python - Himanshu Ramchandani

Government Agencies

NASA for scientific computing. CIA, FBI, ISRO, DRDO. All use Python for task image processing.

What fields you can explore with Python?

Web Development

To develop websites or web applications you can use Python in the backend. Frameworks like Flask, and Django can be used to build big and small projects.

Machine Learning

How can you train a machine to perform like a human? To do that we can use a Python framework like Scikit Learn which has predefined algorithms to work on.

Deep Learning

How complex architectures can be built similarly to the human brain? Neural Networks can be built using the Python framework Pytorch, Tensorflow, Keras, etc.

Internet of things

How can we connect every non-living thing with the internet? Well, this can be done using Python. Raspberry Pi supports Python as its default language. Frameworks like Kaa, and Zetta are used to implement IoT applications.

Game Development

Games can be built using Python frameworks like PyGame, and PyKyra.

Final Point

I have been using Python for more than 5 years and have explored the above-mentioned fields. I have developed variety of projects using Python and its frameworks.

It is fast to develop an application with Python.

The maintenance is fast.

Happy Learning!

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