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What People Are Saying

“Himanshu's technical expertise was exceptional, and his deep understanding of machine learning concepts truly stood out. Beyond just the technical skills, he went the extra mile by helping us build our portfolios and enhance our LinkedIn profiles. The cohort itself was very rich in terms of people, providing an excellent opportunity to build a strong network while upskilling. I highly recommend Himanshu to anyone looking to improve their technical knowledge and professional presense.”

Layesh Padole

ML Engineer at SAS

“The AI newsletter is a valuable resource, providing concise yet insightful summaries of the latest trends and breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. Himanshu Ramchandani’s expertise shines through in his clear, well-curated insights, making complex AI concepts easy to understand and apply.”

Sarkaft Omer

Biomedical scientist

“Himanshu is an exceptional mentor and expert in AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning, making complex concepts easy to grasp. Learning under his guidance has been transformative, inspiring me to grow, push my limits, and explore new possibilities.”

Rishabh Rathore